职业服务 in the 商学院

Students are encouraged to get a jump on their future career by utilizing the high-quality, student-focused services offered by the Classroom to Career Hub. Samah Aidah, the Career Specialist in the 商学院 helps connect students to these resources, and provides career education and employer networking opportunities.  Stop by the 商学院 职业服务 on the 5th Floor of the Administration Building or call (303) 615-0659 for more information.

Start your “College to Career” steps TODAY!

工作 & 实习

登录到 职业生涯的链接 今天!

Did you know that a typical job search can last for months?  The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the average job search is taking 10 weeks.

Don’t wait…enhance your education and get the competitive edge needed for 今天’s job market!
设置你的 职业生涯的链接 profile and start connecting with employers.

视图的工作 & 实习
Sign Up for Hiring 事件


研讨会 & 事件

职业生涯计划 & 事件

Build the necessary professional and job search skills needed to get you career ready.  项目 and events are informative, practical and often designed to help you connect with prospective employers.

Below are some of our featured program partnerships:

  • Charles Schwab College to 职业生涯 Program
  • 箭多元化日
  • Lockheed Martin Coop Program


For a complete list of career programs and events, click 在这里.

CBUS Employer Advisory Board


The Board serves as a bridge between career services in the 商学院 and the broader business community. This group of selected board members helps to inform career development initiatives specific to recruiting activities, 就业趋势, and preparation of business graduates for the workplace. Members are also given the opportunity to gain insight to the larger 密歇根州立大学丹佛 community, and specifically our 商学院 programs.

2019 - 2020成员

Sr. Manager, University Recruiting and Relations, Arrow Electronics

Recruiter, BKD CPAs and Advisors

HR Professional, Campus Relations Program, City of 丹佛

Corporate Recruiting Manager, Davita

标志着. Pullam
University Relations Director, Fidelity Investments

Ed Diez de Medina报道
Director of Diversity and Inclusion, 1stBank

玛丽L. Riebe
社区 & Academic Relations Consultant, Kaiser Permanente

Sr. Manager Electronic Manufacturing, Campus Liaison, Lockheed Martin

Sr. Corporate Recruiter, ProLogis

Sr. Field Campus Recruiter, Target

Campus Program Specialist, Travelport

Client Solutions Division, GSA

主任、社区 & University Relations, Zayo